Online: Sacred Space And Sacred Voice III - November 14-16, 2024 School Of Sound Healing


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Foundations In Sound Healing: Class 3

Sacred Space And Sacred Voice

Understanding Sacred Space And The Vocal Art Of Sacred Sound 

This is Class 3 of our 4 Class Foundations In Sound Healing

With Zacciah Blackburn and Dorothy Stone

Online ZOOM Seminar

Thursday through Saturday

November 14-16, 2024 from 1-4 PM ET daily


This is the third in a series of ongoing classes, within our Foundations Of Sound Healing certificate course.  You must have attended class 1 and class 2 in order from the Foundations Of Sound Healing to attend this program.

Explore Sacred Space

How do we use sacred space in our personal & professional lives? Whom & what do we call upon to create sacred space, and why? Does the holistic practitioner & workshop facilitator have an inextricable responsibility to insure sacred space is utilized and maintained when ope0g clients to sacred mystery, or to greater personal awareness? What are the boundaries and limitations of our understanding as to the power of positive and negative forces in our life and workplace? Many shamanic cultures focus on the need to dispel or protect from the dark energies. What other methods of understanding may be even more potent at insuring the integrity and wellness of our space, our lives, and practice? We will explore these and other questions, engage in understanding professional ethics and care, and learn to couple intention with a variety of vibrational techniques for creating sacred space in our personal and professional place. When time and weather permit, we often work with creating outdoor ceremonial space, utilizing traditional indigenous wisdom teachings.

Learn The Power Of Your Voice As A Vehicle For Sacred Sound

When we attune to our own sacred nature, and voice this in resonance with clarity and trust, we come into contact with our very essence. Zacciah uses sound coupled with sacred intention to invoke the essence of higher being, as well as the voices of allies and teachers of the hidden worlds. This allows us each to enter more readily into a sacred space, more ready to explore the deeper nature of ourselves, and relationship to that which we personally hold as sacred, as well as the Greater Cosmos, and learn to better voice it. The invocation of sacred sound streams, which Zacciah calls Sacred Sound Transmissions, creates the groundwork which assists us in walking through a rich tapestry of unfolding experiential insights into our essence. We will explore together our inherent ability discern and channel these sacred sound streams through voice and intention. We will be given specific methodology to connect with the allies, guides and teachers, the ancestral and holy beings of the subtle realms of consciousness, the 'other worlds,' and learn to attune to, embrace, embody, and emanate their voices. Deep initiations may occur when we create authentic relationship with these holy ones, and utilize those relationships in integrated practices with Sacred Sound. It is important to realize, in this quality of practice, we enter into worlds beyond our common knowing and imagination, we enter the realms beyond cognition, so they are not definable by common language. We are in the imaginal realms of what some call, the Lands of Pure Light and Sound, where the Holy Beings dwell. Most participants in these practices find the work life altering, deeply transforming. We invite you to join us.

Learn From Masters In Their Craft
Zacciah Blackburn
Zacciah Blackburn, a gifted intuitive teacher and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, began teaching the use of sound as a therapeutic modality in 1990 working under his businesses Sunreed Instruments and The Center Of Light. Through his career he has trained many sound healing professionals, and helped to develop the very meaning of therapeutic sound healing. His work focuses on therapeutic sound, spiritual development, and indigenous earth mysteries. Zacciah utilizes sound coupled with sacred intention as a therapeutic tool, for personal healing and transformation, in private therapies and workshop programs, providing illumined expertise in esoteric practices.
Dorothy Stone
Dorothy has been working in the area of health and wellness for over 30 years. She has a background in allopathic medicine as an Oncology Nurse, and was called to transition into alternative healthcare early in her career. She brings many different treatment modalities to her practice including, but not limited to, Swedish/Eslan massage, Ashiatsu, Mastery Reflexology, Reiki and Therapeutic Sound. Her years of study in the areas of sound healing and consciousness continually inspire her to bring the energies of harmony and balance to her work and the world.
Gain A Certificate In Sound Healing In Four Classes
About our four class Foundations In Sound Healing Certificate Course

The Center of Light and Sunreed Instruments offers in depth sound healers trainings, and classes which enable any individual to develop their highest potential skills in sound therapy, as a sound healing practitioner, for the use of sound healing in one's personal or private practice, as well as therapeutic clinical applications. Many participants begin here, to build their complete holistic practice from the foundation. We guide you through all steps necessary for a full practice. Many therapists in Psychology, Massage, Reiki, Yoga, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Ayurvedic, Nutritional Therapy, Movement, Breath, and a large variety of other Holistic Therapies, as well as Hospice, Nursing and Medical practitioners, are finding the benefits of Sound Therapies to heighten states of wellness and integration of their services for their clients. We have growing numbers of these professionals studying with us, to complement their current offerings. This full course offers a thorough foundation, and a sound healing certificate of completion. 

The science behind the eons old practices of sound healing are rapidly becoming well documented as practical, easy and effective. Sound therapies are known to reduce stress and anxiety, increase homeostasis, create a more balanced immune system, enhance overall sense of well-being, and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of cancer & other disease by medical practitioners, as well as sound therapists. The effect of sound and awareness practices have been utilized by esoteric traditions worldwide to enhance states of well-being and the exploration of the subtle states of consciousness for eons. Science is rapidly confirming the benefit of the combination of intentional sound and guided imagery practices as ultimately beneficial to the process of healing.

zacciah-crystal-bowls.jpgThe Foundation In Sound Healing course, over each of the 4 classes, is designed to promote efficacy and understanding as a sound healing professional, with intuitive and cognitive insight, direct experiential practice, and education in the science and mysticism of the nature of sound as used both historically and in contemporary cultures world-wide. The program incorporates modern scientific studies in neuroacoustics, neurophysiology, the use of healing sound instruments, voice, sound technologies, Cymatics, and development of one's own understanding of the innate qualities of self. We are a strong proponent of the view that self-exploration and self-understanding promotes key awareness integral to the development of one's self as a healing practitioner. To understand the healing paradigm, one must explore the nature of consciousness itself, and sound healing modalities do as much as any holistic approach to reach this understanding, as we are vibrational beings. Sound healing as a healing modality, utilized with clear understanding, integrity, and intention, promotes wellness within oneself and others one is working with. The science is becoming inextricably clear on this.

We integrate keen understanding of the nature of consciousness and wellness, with the skilled articulation of cognitive use of sound instruments, to bring about wellness and change in one's whole being. We include training in the utilization of one's voice, Pure Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Singing Bowls and Bells (Bell/Dorje, Tingsha, Shang, Cymbal), Drums, Rattles, Horns and Didgeridoos, Tuning Forks, Peruvian Whistles, and a myriad of other traditional and contemporary instruments used in sound therapies worldwide today. We incorporate an intuitive and shamanic understanding of the nature of consciousness and subtle worlds of consciousness. Our facilitator, with over 37 years of experience in this field, will guide us to explore these principals with sound therapies and awareness exercises, approach a deep understanding of, and balancing techniques for, the primary and subtle components of the human energy system, including the 7 main chakras, the nadis and meridians, the endocrine system, and our neurophysiology.

drum-22-remo-zacciah.pngWe explore the modern science validating ancient and modern practices with sound therapies as it relates to wellness and consciousness, including Cymatics & the work of Dr. Hans Jenny, the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, (water crystals and intention), the Heart Math Institute (coherent emotion), Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Tom Kenyon, and other leading pioneers in the fields of human consciousness development, neuroacoustics, and sound medicines, and holistic wellness.

We develop skills and strategies to work in group and individual therapeutic context. In the course of these programs, we build community with azacciah-and-dorothy-crystal-bowls.jpg knowing school of practitioners. For some, this is the most important ingredient in the trainings.

We work with principals of ceremonial healing with practices grounded in traditional schools of healing, from Tibetan Buddhism to Hinduism, to Native North, South, and Central American shamanic practices. We create group ceremonies to develop and utilize our skills and heart felt intentions to learn how to bring true healing to the planet and all sentient beings incorporating sound practices. Each year's program develops deeper understanding of these practices, and our advanced level students & graduates continue this work by bringing ceremonial healing programs, not only to individuals, but to communities of the region, and to Sacred Earth Sites, as well as wherever else invited.

The programs empower us to bring our own innate and intuitive wisdom and understanding of the world forward, to stand more fully in our inner knowing, and authority as a human, and spiritual, being. At the same time, we develop the technical skill, based in decades of practice by the facilitator, of knowing the nature and power of sound and intention, and how to utilize it in therapeutic practice with clients, to heighten states of wellness in our own personal life, and in developing clear working models for group work with sound.

Inevitably, our participants feel markedly more whole and complete after each session. Reports from participants are nearly universal, in gaining insight, wisdom, and experience, that is 'life transforming,' and, 'beyond my highest expectations.'

Every Class Is Recorded For Future Review

Every Class Is Recorded For Your Personal Use

Every day of the class will be recorded, and participants will be allowed to download the recording for future review of the educational material. We find very often that students will go back to their recordings time and time again to refresh their knowledge. Please review the terms and conditions of having access to the recordings below.

Participation in this Program

I understand this is a live program via Zoom. I agree to be present and participate in this class, with my video on, in order to receive a “Certificate of Training,” unless special permission from Center of Light staff has been given.

Recording Terms And Conditions

By registering for a online educational program either with Sunreed Instruments, LLC or The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies, LLC you give complete permission to Zacciah Blackburn, The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies, LLC, of Chester, VT, and their agents and staff to record and use copies of recordings of this program, to provide to the students involved in this program, and to use as they see fit in their promotional materials. You agree to not share or post any portion of this recording anywhere, or with anyone, without explicit written approval by Zacciah Blackburn. Your image is not recorded in the video, though if you ask questions or share observations, your voice will be in the recording.

Full VSAC Grants For Vermont Residents

We are an approved educational course by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC).

Apply with VSAC for the Advancement Grant, for full tuition paid for our online courses. 

The application is easy, online, and your approval will happen quickly.

You must be a Vermont resident to apply.