Stainless Steel Mirror Gongs

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Stainless Steel gongs play like a mixture between a chau and wind gong. Like a chau, these gongs keep the clarity of their fundamental when struck. They are soft, gentle and deep fundamentals that can sooth. Though, like a wind gong, with a soft stroke, there are greater harmonic overtones, for a richer experience of multi-tonal sound, than a chau provides. It is a more varied and complex adventure of tonality being embarked upon, while maintaining the soft and soothing atmosphere that many love from a chau gong. Unlike a chau gong, one does not need to raise the intensity of the experience to achieve a rich layering of and provocative exploration of potential sound. This is the beauty of stainless steel gongs. They are great for those who want to keep the soothing depth of a gong for a sound bath, though as well appreciate the transformative power of multi-tonality. 

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