Chimes and Bells
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Why Use Bells Or Chimes For Sound Healing?
Bells & Vajra (dorge), Tingshas, Shangs (Bon Bells,) Koshi Chimes, Harmony Spheres (angel bells,) hanging bells, Zen tubes, Crystal Harp: These are all excellent tools for the sound healing field, simple, economical, effective. The clarity of a bell creates a sharp, clear, rich sound that allows immediate focus, clearing the mind, a harmonic field generated through the mind and body, that, for the practitioner or recipient allows easy entry into deep stillness, restfulness, relaxation. Relaxation is one of the special gifts of many sound tools, which enhances mindful practices, a momentary or extended breath from every day activities, and readiness to enter the next stage of the day, sleep, or what is to come next in our lives. Many of these are traditionally used for clearing and focusing the mind or space (our own room, practice room, etc.) The soft comfort of the Koshi wind chimes harmonically tuned to the Elements (earth, air, fire, water.) The potent ring of the shangs, a most unknown yet most powerful sound tool, coming from the Bon Shamanic history of Tibet. The bell and vajra, which represent the emptiness and space of the sacred feminine, and the clear lightning like diamond light of the sacred masculine aspects of creation. There is so much to share on the use of even these most simple instruments; be sure to consult with us where you need help! Contact Us