Sunreed Instruments Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl Sets

Educational Video: Which Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl Set Should I Buy?

*Guaranteed Quality Of Tone And Ease Of Playability
*Highest Standards For Exactness Of Pitch
*Sound Healing Experts, Designing These Sets And On Call Ready To Help
*Free Educational Downloads With Most Set Purchases

Contact Us! We are one of the first companies to offer specialized frosted singing bowl sets such as minor pentatonic, just intonation, the 8 bowl set, Premium Heaven and Earth 9 Bowl Crystal Bowl Chakra Set™ and the harmonic set and other musical scales (ask us to assemble any scale, any set you wish).   You will find a great deal of information on each page about those frosted crystal  singing bowl sets and how they might be used.  But we are also available to consult, explain differences, help you find your best set, as well as spend time with you afterward in one of our private tutorial sessions to learn skilled methods of use in private and group settings.  If you have any questions please give Contact Us! We are always happy to help!

Learn More About Choosing A Frosted Crystal Bowl

What Are Our Standards For Exactness Of Pitch For Frosted Singing Bowl Sets?

The frosted bowl industry has wide standards for exactness of pitch for crystal bowl sets. Many sets you find on the internet, that are chakra sets, are not tuned, so that the bowls don’t play harmonic transitions in sync with each other. Our standards for exactness of pitch is for each bowl in the set to be within 5 cents of one another, and no further than 5 cents from perfect pitch. At this standard, variation from perfect pitch are inaudible, and you are guaranteed to receive a very well-tuned set of crystal singing bowls.

What Are Our Standards For Playability and Tone?

We care that your frosted singing bowls play easily, with a good quality tone. When you run the striker around the bowl, the bowl should respond with a growing and sustaining tone, that is almost completely singular. We are available to help customers with their playing technique, if they are having trouble playing a bowl. Or if there is an issue with a bowl, we work with the customer to make sure they are satisfied and receive a bowl that truly supports their meditations.

Which Crystal Bowl Set Should I Buy?

We have sold thousands of sets of crystal singing bowls, with many variations, in many different keys, for many different therapeutic purposes. We custom design sets for customers, according to the notes that work best for them, designed for their specific therapeutic practice. What are the best crystal singing bowl sets? Here are some great options:

1)     A 3 to 5 bowl harmonic/binaural therapeutic crystal singing bowl set

2)     A 3 to 5 bowl harmonic crystal singing bowl set

3)     A Minor Pentatonic set of singing bowls

4)     A 8 or 9 bowl “chakra” set of crystal singing bowls

5)     A binaural crystal singing bowl set

Read more about each option below.

#1 A 3-5 bowl harmonic/binaural therapeutic crystal singing bowl set

Harmonics and binaurals are perhaps the most important relationships to work with when using crystal singing bowls. We have written an extensive article on why harmonies work here, and have written about using harmonics and binaurals together here

Harmonics occur when the hz value of two notes are in simple mathematical relationship to each other, so they physically move through space in harmony, and our ears actual hear this relationship as uplifted and beautiful.

Binaurals occur when the hz values of two notes are very close together so that a third oscillation occurs (it sounds like a wah-wah-wah-wah effect). Our brain entrains to the oscillation and then elicits brainwaves such as Delta, Theta, or Alpha, depending on which set of bowls are used.

A harmonic/binaural therapeutic set gives you both harmonics and binaurals. The harmonics are useful for relaxation and for eliciting uplifting feeling states; the binaurals are useful for releasing and concentrating. So, you can build a good practice going back and forth, between using the binaurals for a minute or so, and then using the harmonics.

You really don’t need something more complicated than this. For example, a 5 bowl harmonic/binaural therapeutic set is enough to create harmonic, melody and binaurals. In a sound bath, or private practice, or just guiding meditation, you will have everything you need to create a rich soundscape.

 Click here to see these sets.

#2 A 3, 4 or 5 bowl harmonic crystal singing bowl set

If you don’t want to use binaurals (like the set written above) we would suggest starting with a 3, 4 or 5 bowl harmonic set.

Harmonics are our generally our top recommendation for any practitioner using sound. You can read about what harmonics are, and why they are effective here. In short, a harmonic set will give you the most harmonic connections between musical notes, so when you play them for your clients, you clients will be enveloped by an uplifting sound environment. From there is it really simple for the client to entrain to the uplifted harmony, going into states of relaxation, or other states of inner wellness.

Harmonics are just effective; they will bring your clients to more relaxed states and they are very easy to use. 

We typically suggest these sets over a full chakra set. It is true with a full chakra set you will get lots of options, but you don’t really need all those options, unless you know you want to create more complex melody.

A harmonic set will give you the sound you need to do powerful work. 

Click here to see these sets.

#3 A minor pentatonic set of singing bowls

See minor pentatonic sets here.

The minor pentatonic scale is the scale used in Native American flutes, Japanese Shakuhachis, many Chinese string instruments, and many other meditative instruments around the world. It is an ancient progression, that is found all over the world, and historically used in spiritual and meditation practices. With the minor pentatonic set, you have harmony, which creates an uplifted energy, but you also have minor relationships that create downward grounded energy. You have a musical progression that both makes you feel good, but also makes you feel present and centered. It is melodically much more beautiful than a chakra set. It is very easy to create simple and beautiful melodies.

We highly suggest if you want to buy more then just a harmonic set or therapeutic set of singing bowls, to listen to the minor pentatonic sound files.

See the minor pentatonic sets here. 

#4 A 8 or 9 bowl “chakra” set of frosted crystal singing bowls

If you want to get a whole “chakra” set, we suggest a 8 or 9 bowl set over the 7 bowl chakra set you will see other places. The most popular set you will see online is a set of 7 bowls, with notes C – D – E – F – G – A – B, that sings Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti. This progression is called the major scale in music. We call this a “chakra set” because people pair each note to a chakra when doing a chakra meditation.

Do you need a “chakra” set of 7 bowls to do effective sound work? No. There is no real relationship between any musical note and chakras. You can pair each note with any chakra, and build a practice from that, however it is not true that if you hit any of the notes you will necessarily do anything to any of your chakras. The power of sound is dependent on the quality of your awareness and intention. How you meet the vibration with your attention matters. This is the basis of powerful sound work.

Why buy a 8 or 9 bowl set rather than a 7 bowl set? A 7 bowl set has no conclusive note at the end; it sings Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti, and the “Ti” note leaves the participants without a harmonic conclusion. An 8 bowl set adds in a 8” C note to the end, making the musical progression sing Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do. The final Do with the 8” C has important harmonic significance giving the whole set a melodic conclusion. The final "Do" note is far more important for melody and harmony than the “So” or “La” notes. Adding that 8th note to the chakra set is important, and isn’t a great additional cost.

The 9 bowl set adds a low deep base note to the 8 bowl set. We add a 14” F. This gives a harmonic bass note that the other notes will play harmonically above. It is like having a deep grounding note, and then having the other notes play uplifted above in an angelic way.

In total, with either an 8 or 9 bowl set, you will have a crystal bowl set that give you lots of options. You have 8 or 9 notes to play melodically together, in a way that will always just sound uplifting and nice to the listeners.  Click here to see these sets.

#5 A binaural crystal singing bowl set

A binaural occurs when two notes are played at the same time having very similar hz values. Typically the sounds are so close together it is somewhat hard to tell the difference. We typically work within the Theta range, so the bowls have a 4-8hz difference. When the two bowls are played at the same time, a third oscillation occurs, that sounds like a “wah-wah-wah-wah-wah” sound. In the theta range, the brain entrains to the oscillation, and produces theta waves which are associated with deep meditation, deep relaxation or deep sleep.

Experientially, meditating with a binaural is like being disallowed from holding onto discursive thought. The thoughts just go, as the mind is enraptured by the binaurals effect. It is good for letting go, or for coming into a present minded concentrated state.

A binaural pairs great with harmonics. A binaural can send a client into a concentrated state; A harmonic can send a client into an uplifted state; so, using the two together, or one after another, has been shown to be effective. Click here to see these sets.