16" A Note 440Hz Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl Crystal Vibes +30 cents

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All Frosted Bowls Come With A Free O-ring And Magic Striker. We suggest upgrading your magic striker to a quartz crystal striker, to bring forth just the pure sound of the bowl with greater ease. 


Our Guarantee For Your Frosted Singing Bowl 

We guarantee the pitch, voice quality and easy playability of our bowls. We have higher standards for pitch precision than most other companies in our industry. See our standards here. Each purchase comes with the insurance that our staff is only a phone call away, holding decades of experience selling and helping people using quartz singing bowls to promote wellness and inner coherence. Our frosted quartz crystal singing bowls are made from 99.99 percent pure quartz crystal and are only sourced from manufacturers that we place 100% trust in to provide you with the best singing bowl experience. 

Free Educational Videos With Every Frosted Bowl Purchase

With any purchase of one of our frosted crystal singing bowls, you will receive a free video download after purchase that includes over 30 minutes of crystal singing bowl guidance from sound master Zacciah Blackburn. The video includes basic instruction on how to play with simple mindful techniques and why they are effective in sound healing practices.

What is the – or + cents mean at the end of the product? What is cent value?

Yes. If you try to get a deep-toned bowl in a small size, the bowl will be too thin. It will have issues with distortion or could be multi-tonal. If you try to get a high-toned bowl in a large size, the bowl will be too thick. It could have issues with being hard to get singing. Please review our purchasing guide if you have questions about bowl size, or contact us if you have any questions about the bowls you are viewing. We are happy to recommend guaranteed quality sizes for the notes you desire.

Does the size of the bowl matter?

A musical note is not one thing. A music note, like the note “C”, refers to a potential range of sound. This meaning there can be two “C” notes that sound just a little different, but they are both considered C. Cent value is a way of understanding this variation of tone. According to cent value, there are 100 “cents” of sound between each musical note (C, C#, D, D#, etc.) If a note is 0 cents, then it is a perfect pitch 440hz aligned note according to international standards of tuning. There are a potential of + or – 50 cents until you get to the next note. So, a A# +45 cents is very close to being a B note. Perfect pitch 432hz tuning is typically between -30 and -35 cents, so we suggest purchasing in this range for those wanting 432hz tuned bowls.

Why Would I Want More Than One Bowl?

By adding more than one bowl you can create harmonic pairings that create an uplifted environment that promotes relaxation, joy and happiness. Research suggests that the fifth harmonic, for example, actually relaxes our nervous system automatically. We use the pairing between the 1st note and fifth harmonic, called the perfect fifth, in the majority of our crystal bowl meditations. Below you can find a chart that will show you which notes you can pair with the 1st note, to make a third, fourth, fifth or eighth harmony (the four most harmonic pairings). See the chart below. For example, if you are purchasing a C note (as the 1st note), and want to get a fifth harmony, you can then purchase a higher G note with the same cent value (to get the 5th harmonic). Or, if you are purchasing a F note and want to get a fifth harmonic, you can purchase a lower A# note (as the 1st note, with the F becoming the 5th harmonic in the sequence). It is important to purchase bowls that are close together in cent value when pairing bowls for harmonies (we try for +/- 5 cents). Read more about cent value here. We especially recommend focusing on the fifth harmonic to start out with. Next we recommend the 3rd Harmonic, 8th Harmonic, and lastly the 4th Harmonic. Need guidance to choose the right bowl? Please email us or give us a call and we’d be happy to help. 
