3rd Octave C and G Perfect Fifth Tuning Fork Set

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3rd Octave Sunreed Harmonic Tuning Fork Sets

Size: ~v7-8 inch

Weight: ~4-5 oz.

When And How Will It Ship: These tuning forks typically will ship the day of or after ordering. They will ship with FedEx, and will arrive typically 3-7 days after shipment.

What You’ll Receive: 2 Weighted C and G Tuning Forks, in 432hz tuning. 1 pouch for storage.

Free Educational Download - You will also receive a free educational guide for how to use tuning forks therapeutically, downloadable from your order confirmation email. This guide has simple advice for how to use weighted and unweighted forks with clients, to support your experiential practice.

Made In The USA: All of our tuning forks are manufactured in the USA with space grade aluminum alloy for long lasting exactness of pitch. 

Product Description:

Sunreed is offering new high quality weighted tuning fork sets.

Harmonics are the natural ‘relationships’ within our musical system that create a sense of balance, beauty, joy and uplifting spirit.  They are the very foundation of our musical structure, and are the basis of musical chords.  Modern science confirms what musicians have always known, that these musical harmonies create positive felt effects, which deepen our listening pleasure, create a sense of deep relaxation, which can lead to homeostatis, emotional balance and well being, attentive meditative states, and more.  Some scientific research, such as that coming out of the Heart Math Institute, suggests intentional use of harmonic music also improves the immune system, relaxes our DNA, and more.

The harmonies of the major scale are also aspects of the ‘sacred geometries,’ which are the foundation of life, reflecting the natural mathematical and harmonic relationship within cells, molecular and atomic structure, and structures throughout nature, including the beauty we see in flowers, the nautilus shell, and seed pods, but also the human embryo, inner ear, indeed every aspect of the human form.  A great deal of research is available on the sacred geometries, the Golden Mean, the Phi Ratio, the Platonic Solids, and fractal geometries, all of which are related to this topic, but show the fundamental sequence and ratio or ‘proportion’ which arises through all aspects and spectrums of life.

With the 2 fork set you will receive the C and G. The C and G are the perfect fifth, which has been shown to automatically relax the nervous system.

Fundamentally, forks are either weighted or unweighted.  Weighted forks tend to bring the sound vibration of the fork more deeply and directly into body tissue, so are applied directly to points on the body where the practitioner wishes to utilize the resonance of the fork.  Unweighted forks tend to resonate louder, so are easier to hear, and thus apply ‘auditorily,’ but do not carry the vibration into body tissue as well as the weighted forks. Sunreed has chosen the weighted forks, because we believe the application directly to the body deepens the experience for the recipient.  The forks can be heard and used as auditory – only tools, also.