3 Bowl Harmonic Set With Accessories

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3 Bowl Frosted Harmonic Set With Accessories

This is a great set for starters and practitioners alike! This set contains three crystal bowls that make either a C-G-C or C-E-G harmonic sequence. You can hear each sequence below. These harmonic sequences between bowls form mathematically simple and beautiful ratios between hz frequencies of the bowls played. They play beautifully uplifted tones, that are incredibly easy to relax into bringing you into more joyous and concentrated states of meditation. Harmonic sets of crystal bowls are generally our top recommendation to any client, as the harmonic intervals between the bowls are scientifically proven to bring relaxation to the nervous system. We use harmonic sets exclusively in the training and meditations we lead around the world. 

This is a great set for a gift to a loved one, or to begin your practice! Each of the three bowls nest into a single case, so it is very easy and safe to transport. The sizes of the bowls are simple to put around you and easily reach each bowl without stretching. We truly believe you would not need to add any further bowls to these sets, as the harmonies they create can create lasting satisfaction in a crystal bowl practice.

These sets comes with all of the accessories you need, including:

  • 1 12" nesting case with inserts, for all 3 bowls
  • 3 o-rings3 suede strikers
  • 1 medium quartz crystal striker  (our best striker for frosted and Empyrean bowls)
  • 1 large ball striker

OUR SUNREED GUARANTEE OF QUALITY! These bowls are guaranteed to be made of premium grade crystal ‘sand’, the highest quality materials in the crystal bowl industry, which gives the best luster and voice quality to the bowls. They are guaranteed to be within +/-5 cent pitch variation of perfect pitch, in your choice of 432 Hz or 440 Hz tuning, at the same cost. This standard of tuning is far above the crystal bowl industry standard of +/-10 cent variation in tuning for ‘perfect pitch’ bowls, something most crystal bowl retailers do not provide, and often are either not fully educated in, or disclose to you, the customer. We have an over 4 decade background in music, musical instrument making, and sound and shamanic healing practices of various world cultures, and care deeply about the quality of product, and voice of the produce we provide you, for the best benefit for you, and your clients.


What Will You Receive With The Purchase?

You can select between two different options:

Option#1 - 12" C, 10" G and 8" High C

The C, G and High C make the Perfect Fifth and Octave harmonic interval. These are commonly considered the two most harmonic intervals between musical notes.

1 - 12" C

1 - 10" G

1 - 8" High C


Option #2 - 12" C, 10" E and 8" G

The C, E And G make the Perfect Third and Perfect Fifth harmonic interval. The Perfect Third and Perfect Fifth are commonly paired together to make rich harmonic chords.

1 - 12" C

1 - 10" E

1 - 8" G



1 - 12" Sunreed Special Nesting Case

1 - Medium Sunreed Quartz Crystal Striker

1 - Rubber Ball Striker

3 - O-rings

3 - Suede Strikers

1 - FREE Educational Download - Using A Single Bowl

1 - FREE Educational Download - Using The Harmonies


LAST BUT NOT LEAST! With this set, you can choose between 440hz and 432hz tuning for the set. Please read about each tuning and listen to the sound files below when making your choice.

What Is 440hz Tuning?

440hz is the standard hz value for tuning instruments internationally. This means that basically all instruments around the world are tuned according to 440hz tuning. To understand this, imagine a piano. In the middle of a piano there is a note call middle A or 4th octave A. This 4th octave A resonates at 440hz, and all the other notes on the piano are tuned in relationship to middle A = 440hz. Likewise, this is how other instruments are tuned around the world. In this specific 3 bowl harmonic set, the C, E and G or the C, G and High C bowl would all be tuned assuming A=440hz tuning. You would want to choose this tuning if you would ever want to play your bowls with other musical instruments.

440hz Tuning Sound Files

12" C, 10" E, 8" G




12" C, 10" G, 8" High C



High C

What Is 432hz Tuning?

Please read about 440hz tuning above before reading this section. 432hz tuning is if you flatten the middle A note from 440hz to 432hz, and tune all other notes in relationship to A = 432hz. There is a lot of information on the internet on the benefits on 432hz. We personally do believe that 432hz tuning can sound slightly sweeter than 440hz tuning because it is a little flatter in tone. Because of this, when people listen to 432hz and 440hz tuning together, typically people prefer the tone of 432hz tuning. We have experimented with this in many classes. It can sound slightly more relaxing. Ultimately we believe that choosing between 432hz and 440hz comes down to preference over the tone, and suggest listening to the sound files to decide. 


432hz Set Sound Files

12" C, 10" E, 8" G




12" C, 10" G, 8" High C



High C