The Zen Minor Pentatonic Flute - "Grounding"


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Bamboo Minor Pentatonic Transverse Flute

Intention - "Grounding Flute"

Key Of D


Sizes: ~21"

Weight: ~1lb

When And How Will It Ship: The flute will typically ship out the day after ordering, with FedEx and arrive in 2-5 days.

What You’ll Receive: 1 transverse minor pentatonic bamboo flute

Product Description:

The Zen Minor Pentatonic Flute is a classic. It's tuned in a minor pentatonic scale, a scale that has been used in cultural music around the world throughout history. This flute has a mysterious, yet flowing sound that makes it easy to capture the moment. It has uplifted harmonic, but as a whole, tends to create a downward energy so it is a very grounding flute. The intention we suggest while playing this flute is one of groundedness, and connection with the earth. 

This flute is made in Portugal by Rui Gomes, a deeply intentioned full time flute maker who we are grateful to be working with. Each piece of bamboo is harvested from Northern Portugal and cured by Rui. 

Hand Stretch Information: This flute is fine for those with smaller hands

Notes For The Flute: D - F - G - A - C - D