10" 2-Note Octave Harmony 432Hz Perfect Pitch Crystal Vibes Premium Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl Pair #octset-001

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10" 2-Note Octave Harmony 432Hz Perfect Pitch Crystal Vibes Premium Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl Pair #octset-001

The crystal singing bowls of this pair are an octave apart. The harmony of an octave pair is astonishing in the inspiriting tonality of the interval.

This set is unique in that it includes 2 10" crystal singing bowls that are an octave apart. This is possible due to the varying thickness of each bowl. The Third Octave 10" bowl may be a thinner 4mm, while the Fourth Octave 10" bowl may be thicker around 7-8mm.

The bowls included are:

10" Third Octave B Note (-30 cents)

10" Fourth Octave B Note (-30 cents)


These singing bowls are approximately 35 cents flat of 440Hz Tuning, which is perfect in pitch with 432Hz tuning, harmonizing perfectly with each other as well as instruments tuned to 432Hz tuning.

Each bowl includes a complimentary silicone o-ring base and a Silicone Bamboo Magic Mallet.

The sound samples are not of the actual bowls but are an accurate representation of pitch and tone.