Buffalo 8 Sided Native American Frame Drum B8s2


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8 Sided Native American Buffalo Frame Drum

Size: ~17 inches

Weight: ~3-4 lbs

When And How Will It Ship: These drums typically will ship the day of or after ordering. They ship with FedEx, and will arrive typically 3-7 days after shipment.

What You’ll Receive: 1 17" Buffalo Native American Drum

Product Description: This is a Maidu made 8 Sided Native American Drum, with hand made cedar frame.

Our drum maker designs the tightest, sturdiest drums we have ever offered, able to last a lifetime. These drums are typically able to withstand humidity and keep their tone longer than most of the drums we have found available.

The sound of the drum is similar to a 16 inch round drum, with a clear bass note, and a little bit of a higher note. This depth of the drum will shift with the climate, getting higher in dryer areas and lower in humid climates. The tone of the drum can be altered by applying water to moisturize the hide, or heat to dry the hide.

If you live in a humid climate, the Buffalo will hold its tone longer before needing to be dried.