5/6 Bowl Sharps and Flats Endocrine Pentatonic Set

$1,299.98 - $1,759.98
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5/6 Bowl Sharps and Flats Endocrine Pentatonic Set


For those who want to expand their sets, and their practice, to include the use of bowls associated with the endocrine system, or to add more musical variation and potential to enrich their sound offerings:

This set includes the five sharp/flat notes, that can be used for an endocrine set, or to complete a 12 or 13 bowl set, with an optional 8" High C#/Db in order to create a full pentatonic set. (Notice, these notes can either be written as a sharp (#) or a flat (b), and are shown both ways here, and just refer to the same note):

This set includes the five sharp/flat notes, that can be used for an endocrine set, or to complete a 12 bowl set, with an optional 8" High C#/Db in order to create a full pentatonic set. (Notice, these notes can either be written as a sharp (#) or a flat (b), and are shown both ways here, and just refer to the same note):


13" C#/Db

12" D#/Eb 

11" F#/Gb

10" G#/Ab

9" A#/Bb

(optional) 8" High C#/Db


This set serves the following purposes:

#1) If you already have the 7 or 8 chakra set, this set fills in the gaps, so you have all 12 whole and semitone notes: C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, A, A#/Bb, B. With this you can play in multiple keys, scales and have a wide variety of harmonic potential. We have below all of the notes in the 12 note scale, so you can hear the progression of the 12 notes, the progression of just the 5 sharp/flats, and can explore the harmonic potential within.


#2) Many people use the sharps/flats to work with the endocrine system, similar to how people use the 7 major scale notes to work with the chakra system. The bowls would be used as follows:

C#/Db - Sexual
D#/Eb- Adrenals
F#/Gb - Thymus
G#/Ab - Thyroid
A#/Bb - Pineal


#3) With the addition of the optional 8" High C#/Db, you get a complete 6 bowl pentatonic scale. This is a highly harmonic musical scale, rich with earthy progressions. To hear this scale, just play the sharps/flats sound files below, starting with the 4th octave C# up to the 5th octave C#.


What Will I Receive In This Set?

13" C#/Db

12" D#/Eb 

11" F#/Gb

10" G#/Ab

9" A#/Bb

(optional) 8" High C#/Db

1 o-ring, 1 suede striker and 1 magic mallet per bowl

(optional) 1 14" and 1 12" Purple Nesting Crystal Bowl Case


What Cases Will I Receive?

Currently we are sending this set out with our Purple Nesting Crystal Bowl Cases. You can see these cases here. The set will fit into 1 14" and 1 12" Purple Nesting Crystal Bowl Case. If you are getting the 6 bowl option you will receive an additional 10" insert. When purchasing the cases with the bowls here, you will receive $20 off each case.

What Are 440hz Sets?

440hz is the standard hz value for tuning instruments internationally. Imagine a piano, with all of its keys. There is a note in the middle of the piano called middle A. With 440hz tuning, this middle A note resonates at 440hz. Then, all the other notes are tuned in relationship to A=440hz. This is what perfect pitch, or true tone means. For this set, if you choose 440hz tuning, then all of the notes would be tuned in line with middle A=440hz. 440hz tuning is important to get if you plan on playing with other musical instruments, as you would want your bowls to play in harmony with the instruments. 

What Are 432hz Sets?

432hz tuning is if you flatten the middle A note in the set to ring at 432hz instead of 440hz, and then all the other bowls are tuned in relationship to that A being 432hz. When listening to 440hz and 432hz together, many perceive that the 432hz gives all the bowls a slightly sweeter tone in relationship 440hz tunig as 432hz is slightly flatter.


We are offering Free Shipping on this set. We are working close with our factory to ensure high quality of precision for these bowls. Bowls typically will be delivered within 2-3 weeks after order. 

Quality guarantee, crystal and voice quality, and perfect pitch

These bowls are guaranteed to be made of premium grade crystal ‘sand’, the highest quality materials in the crystal bowl industry, which gives the best luster and voice quality to the bowls.


They are guaranteed to be within +/-5 cent pitch variation of perfect pitch, in your choice of 432 Hz or 440 Hz tuning. This standard of tuning is far above the crystal bowl industry standard of +/-10 cent variation in tuning for ‘perfect pitch’ bowls, something most crystal bowl retailers do not provide, and often are either not fully educated in, or disclose to you, the customer. We have an over 4 decade background in music, musical instrument making, and sound and shamanic healing practices of various world cultures, and care deeply about the quality of product, and voice of the produce we provide you, for the best benefit for you, and your clients.

Sound Files

These sound files are 440hz tuning.



4th octave C#/Db


4th octave D#/Eb

4th octave F#/Gb

4th octave G#/Ab

4th octave A#/Bb



Here are the sound files within the context of all 12 notes, to hear how they fit in with the major scale.


4th octave C

4th octave C#/Db

4th octave D

4th octave D#/Eb

4th octave E

4th octave F

4th octave F#/Gb

4th octave G

4th octave G#/Ab

4th octave A

4th octave A#/Bb

4th octave B

5th octave C

5th octave C#/Db