432 Hz Cosmic Bamboo Chime Set (Aurora, Sol, Luna, Stella)

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432 Hz Cosmic Bamboo Chime Set   


Size: The wooden core of the chime is 2.5" x 6.5". With cord and clapper, the chime hangs at roughly 14.5".

When And How Will This Ship: The chimes ship out with Fed Ex Express Delivery, typically the same day or next day after ordering.

What Will I Receive?: You will receive Meinl Cosmic Bamboo chimes, with carrying case.

Product Description: Many years after Koshi chimes and Zaphir chimes have taken their strong hold in the sound healing space, we now have the first 432hz tuned bamboo chime. We are selling these as a complete set of four, with carrying case, made by Meinl. Each chime as well comes with two additional clappers, one made of acrylic and one made out of wood, so you can change the clapper and change the tone of the chime. These are very comparable in size, weight and volume to both Zaphir and Koshi chimes.
