Sizes: A – 14” / F - 18” / D - 20” / C – 23” / A – 30”
Weight: ~2-3 lbs
When And How Will It Ship: Each flute usually take 60-90 days to make. Expect that you will receive your flute within 3 months after ordering.
What You’ll Receive: 1 Root Shakuhachi made by Zacciah Blackburn
Product Description:
This Japanese end-blown bamboo flute, the shakuhachi, is traditionally made from the root stalk of the bamboo plant, giving the flute a slightly richer, sweeter tone, and an aesthetic quality unmatched by any other flute. (Feng shui practitioners will say the root also holds more "chi".) Our roots are traditional high quality bamboo, cured for years before beginning the more difficult process of creating these beautiful instruments. Tuned to high specifications, in traditional minor pentatonic scales, unless otherwise requested, utilizing digital quartz tuners, they are meet or exceed our Concert quality standards, with close to two, or more, registers of range. Our flutemaker, though a master flutemaker, does not utilize a specific style of the Japanese Schools of Shakuhachi in his design. All flutes have a natural umaguchi (mouthpiece), have a clear external finish on the outside, for longevity, and rubbed with oil on the inside. Each instrument comes with full warranty and complete instructions. Most flutes have in line fingering. Please advise if you have a preference. Larger flutes (C and above, may have offset fingering for ease of play.) Less expensive roots & student model root shakuhachi may occasionally be available. Traditional Madake roots may be available for an additional $300. (Contact us, or state you want Madake in your 'special instructions' during checkout, and we will include this charge manually.)