9 Note Swinging Bar Chime


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9 Note Swinging Bar Chime

Size: 4 lbs, 21"x21"

When And How Will This Ship?: This chime will ship with FedEx and typically arrive within 3-5 business days.

What Will I Receive? One 9 Note Swinging Bar Chime, with simple suede wrapped mallet.

Product Description: This chime is versatile. The handle on the top is easy to hold. You can either strike each note separately, and create a beautiful melodic soundscape, or you can hit multiple notes at a time like a harp. The sounds serenely sustain outwards, and are gentle and soothing. You can also swing the bar chime. This puts the sound into motion. Instead of being an instrument that soothes, it now becomes an instrument that activates and moves energy within us, sort of like a binaural set of crystal bowls.

This chime is handmade by a shamanic artisan in Moldova, and is tuned to standard perfect pitch tuning. It plays the notes C - D - E - F - G - A - B - C - D.