32" Solar Flare Gong

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32" Solar Flare Gong

Size: 32"

When And How Will This Ship?: This product typically ships the next day after ordering with UPS or FedEx, and arrives typically 3-7 days after shipment.

What Will I Receive?: 1 32" Solar Flare Gong with traditional mallet and optional pictured stand and mallet.

Free Educational Download: Every gong purchase includes a free educational download (downloadable from the order confirmation email), on how to integrate a gong in your therapeutic practice.

Product Description: The Solar Flare gong is very similar to a wind gong, as it is more or less a flat plat. While a wind gong is completely lathed, the solar flare gong is only partially lathed in circular bands. The bands help control the tone of the gong. While a wind gong will come to a crash very quickly, the solar flare gong with maintain its fundamental tone better, and come to a more controlled crash a little more slowly. What you achieve then is a wind gong, with its deep rich cosmic vibrations, with more expansive potential of sound before achieving the crash. We typically suggest buying these gongs 26” or larger, to achieve a richer and deeper note. Though, please listen to the sound files to hear if the solar flare gong is right for you.