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28” Mother Tesla Gong - Out of Stock

Size: 28”

When And How Will This Ship: This gong will typically ship the next day with either FedEx or UPS, and will arrive typically 3-7 days after shipment.

What Will I Receive?: 1 28” Mother Tesla Gong, with a traditional mallet, with an optional stand and mallet.

Free Educational Download: Every gong purchase includes a free educational download (downloadable from the order confirmation email), on how to integrate a gong in your therapeutic practice.

Product Description: 

The Mother Tesla gongs are very similar to Chau. These gongs are not processed by lathing after baking, so are just the raw dark colored metal. A Chau gong on the other hand is lathed, to expose the bright bronze of the gong. These Mother Tesla gongs are visually both beautiful and mysterious.

Experientially these plays very similar to Chau gongs, though they do not truly come to a shimmering crash. You can expose higher tones in the gong, though they have a nature of keeping their fundamental. The larger the gong you buy, the clearer and deeper the fundamental bass note you will receive, and the more space there will be between first hitting the gong and exposing the higher aspects of the gong. Smaller gongs tend to show their higher notes faster. We tend to recommend looking at a 26” gong or higher, for getting a deep penetrating bass note, with a lot of potential for different higher harmonics.