11" D 440hz Garden Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl


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11" D 440hz Garden Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl

When And How Will It Ship: This will typically ship the day after ordering with FedEx and arrive within 2-5 days

What Will I Receive?: 1 Garden Bowl, 1 Rubber Ball Mallet, 1 O-ring

Product Description: Dorothy, one of our teachers here, has in her garden a big 13 singing bowl. It sits in the dirt, amongst her garden rows. In the summer, she often will go out to her garden in the morning, and play the bowl with the plants. There are studies, and also stories, of plants growing better with affection, positivity and speaking to them. This is the purpose of the garden bowl. Not only is it a gift to give to your garden, it is a gift to give to yourself, as you sit in the garden amongst the growth, and sing along peacefully in harmony with nature.

The bowls themselves are repurposed. They are bowls that may have a small chip on the rim, or may be difficult to play with a suede mallet around the rim. Because they can't be played well around the rim, we can't sell them with our sets. However this matters very little if you use the rubber ball mallet that is included in the purchase. Play the bowl with the rubber ball mallet, and the bowl will play great.